
Community giving

At Sentry, community engagement isn’t just a corporate goal—it’s our culture

Sentry Insurance leaders with United Way donation check

Our Foundation mission

To improve the quality of life and build equitable communities where we live and work, including the Maui community.

Learn more

Areas of giving

Leaders of Sentry School of Business Economics UWSP

Education and workforce development

Sentry has a long history of supporting education, reaching students from kindergarten through college. We believe education brings value and economic opportunity to our workforce and communities.
Group of Volunteers Two Hugging

Diversity and inclusion

We realize the importance of standing with those who are marginalized. Our giving is focused on programs and organizations that work to build stronger, more equitable communities.

Who we are

The Sentry Insurance Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Sentry. Giving priorities include education, workforce development, United Way, and local organizations that work to improve the quality of life and build equitable communities where we live and work, including the Maui community—home of the The Sentry.

At Sentry, charitable giving is an integral part of our business. It’s who we are. And who we’ll always be. We approach our philanthropy the same way we approach our business—through relationships and conversations to understand needs and identify opportunities.

The Sentry Insurance Foundation provides our employees and retirees with a Matching Gift Program—matching individual donations to eligible charitable organizations, up to $7,500 per year per person.  Our associates and retirees are generous, and we're pleased to help make their gifts go even further to help our communities.


Sentry Insurance Foundation Logo Sentry Insurance Foundation Logo

For more foundation information, contact:

Kalynn Pempek
Office: 715-346-7636

For media inquiries, contact:
Carolyn Schamberger
Office: 715-346-7104

Hannah Quick
Office: 715-346-7403

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